Deliberate and composed, with strong rationality, adept at long-term planning, driven by a pursuit of knowledge and efficiency, and possessing formidable execution skills.
Curious and passionate about exploring concepts and truth, logically rigorous yet spontaneous, with a dynamic thought process that seeks wisdom rather than conformity.
Diligent and pragmatic, with a strong sense of responsibility, values rules and details, prioritizes efficiency and order, and is a reliable executor.
Warm and considerate, always willing to help, loyal and reliable, attentive to loved ones, modest yet imbued with a strong sense of responsibility.
Calm and independent, adept at hands-on tasks, enjoys exploring and solving problems, highly adaptable, and relishes freedom and challenges.
Emotionally reserved, values personal ideals and aesthetics, seeks freedom and inspiration, enjoys the present, and rejects being confined.
Introspective and insightful, skilled at understanding others' emotions, with a clear vision, and dedicated to realizing ideals and helping others.
Introverted and romantic, rich in imagination and empathy, in pursuit of inner values and meaning, and cherishing dreams from deep within the soul.